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Ways We Can Help

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Our mission at Jackson Hole Economics is to provide a forum for the free expression of ideas. Freedom stands at the center of everything we do. 

In Ukraine today, brave men and women are fighting an unjust and unlawful invasion designed to take away their freedom. We have and will continue to condemn Russia’s invasion of a sovereign democracy. 

But the defense of freedom requires more than words. Below, you will find a list of charities and non-governmental organizations that are devoted to providing humanitarian assistance to those displaced by war in Ukraine. 

Innocent lives are being lost. Families are being torn apart. Harsh winter weather and disruptions to supplies of food, energy, medicine, and shelter are imposing misery on hundreds of thousands. 

Those in need, need our assistance. No donation is too small.

We—Alex Friedman and Larry Hatheway—are pledging to match your donations up to a sum of $10,000.00. Our modest website does not allow us to track actual donations to third-party charities. But if you choose to donate, please send us a message—anonymously if you prefer—telling us which organization you gave to and the amount. We’ll match it, no questions asked.

Our hearts go out to the brave men and women on the front lines fighting for democracy and freedom, as well as to all the innocent victims caught up in this senseless violence.

Suggested Charities

The International Committee of the Red Cross


Save the Children: Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund

Razom for Ukraine

International Medical Corps


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