As tempting as it is to rely on multilateralism to solve a shared global problem like climate change, the world simply does not have the time
The Global Climate System’s Himalayan Hotspot
As temperatures rise, the Himalayas are experiencing accelerated glacial melt, with dire consequences for water supplies and ecosystems far
In Defense of Nature-Based Carbon Markets
Though carbon-offset schemes are riddled with complexity, there is no question that they pay for something that matters. Far from being a
What Drives Innovation?
After decades in the wilderness, industrial policy is now being rediscovered as a tool for addressing climate change and navigating a fraught
The Second Green Revolution Will Be Digitized
Six decades after the Green Revolution began, the rise of robotics and artificial intelligence may usher in another agricultural transformation.
Ten Lessons from the Return of History
One thing we learned in 2022 is that war between countries, thought by more than a few academics to be obsolete, is anything but. And that
Debunking Solar Geoengineering
Proponents of solar geoengineering say that lowering Earth’s average temperature by reflecting sunlight into space will tackle global
What US Leadership Can Do for Nature
Although the United States is not a party to the Convention on Biological Diversity, its heavyweight status affords it ample opportunities
Will the West Give in to Russia?
Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine nine months ago, the West has not only delivered nearly $100 billion in aid to Ukraine, but also imposed
Deglobalization Is a Climate Threat
Globalization may have fallen out of favor in recent years, but preserving it is an environmental imperative. Effective, coordinated responses
The World Cup’s Education Goal
After the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan 15 months ago, its leaders broke their promise to allow girls to continue pursuing secondary
The Republicans Lose with Trump
For four decades after World War II, climate change and job-displacing artificial intelligence were not on anyone’s mind, and terms like
An Antidote to Climate Despair
For four decades after World War II, climate change and job-displacing artificial intelligence were not on anyone’s mind, and terms like
The Rise and Fall of the Socially Beneficial Corporation
For four decades after World War II, climate change and job-displacing artificial intelligence were not on anyone’s mind, and terms like
The Age of Megathreats
For four decades after World War II, climate change and job-displacing artificial intelligence were not on anyone’s mind, and terms like
The Entrepreneurial State Must Lead on Climate Change
As a much-touted green alliance of financial institutions crumbles, the private sector has once again proven unequal to the task of climate
The Implementation COP
Many are calling the upcoming UN climate change conference in Egypt “Africa’s COP.” But Africans prefer to see it instead as “the
No Security Without Climate Security
Climate change poses an existential threat to humanity, but the US defense apparatus has not treated it accordingly, because it does not fit
Preparing for the Next Global Catastrophe
The end of the pandemic may be in sight, but COVID-19 could be a harbinger of future calamities. If global leaders do not establish equitable
Climate Injustice and the Curse of Illusory Growth
Advanced economies have long relied principally on developing countries for primary commodities and natural resources to fuel their industries
Private Equity’s ESG Generation
The private-equity industry is about to undergo an epochal shift, as the founders of many leading firms retire and a younger generation with
Climate-Impact Disclosure Is Common Sense
The momentum behind mandatory climate-risk disclosure is building globally. By acting now on its own proposed rule change, the US Securities
The Virus Is Still Winning
Despite the rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines and treatments to reduce mortality, the elderly, the immunocompromised, and other vulnerable
The Supply Solution to Stagflation
According to the World Bank’s latest forecast, global growth is projected to slow by 2.7 percentage points between 2021 and 2024 – more