In many countries, innovation and good jobs have become increasingly concentrated in a few places.
Theme of the Week
The Factors Behind US Investor Confidence
US stock markets have remained bullish in the face of deepening domestic and international risks, owing to three key factors. But with two
Why Are Stocks, Gold, and the Dollar Surging?
The US stock market has been on a tear over the past two years.
Can Democracy Win in 2024?
By the end of this historic election year, we will have a clearer idea of democratic leaders’ ability to convince voters that the system
Britain’s “Change Election” Changes Nothing
The Labour Party, campaigning on change, secured a historic victory in the United Kingdom’s general election.
Ending the Protectionist Scourge Would Benefit All
Protectionism these days is popular. It is also wrong. Free trade can remain a pathway to increased prosperity for all.
What Climate-Vulnerable Developing Countries Need Right Now
A problem as unprecedentedly large and destructive as climate change demands bold new thinking and urgent action.
Why Macron Is Risking an Election
Why would French President Emmanuel Macron risk holding an election that the far right is likely to win?
Don’t Believe the AI Hype
Artificial Intelligence is unlikely to revolutionize the economy as much as its proponents would have has believe.
Rough Justice for Trump
Following Donald Trump’s conviction in a Manhattan courtroom, the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board worries that the successful prosecution
What the AI Pessimists Are Missing
Like other disruptive technologies, AI evokes fear. But it has the potential to transform our lives for the better.
Don’t Fret About Green Subsidies
Governments should stop decrying each others’ green industrial policies as norm violations or dangerous transgressions of international
Why Bonds Remain Boring
The bond market has defied the pessimists, with yields remaining relatively low despite massive Federal deficits and debt levels. But there
The Perils of Retirement in America
America’s retirement system is failing. It perpetuates inequality and is unlikely to serve millions of Americans in or nearing retirement.
China’s Rebalancing Imperative
It has been said before and it bears repeating: China must unleash consumption-led growth to rebalance its economy.
Why Is Europe Losing the Productivity Race?
Europe needs to accelerate the adoption of new innovations, ones that can make its economy more productive.
NATO Without America
Can Europe ensure its own security without the US? Not yet.
Solar Geoengineering Is a Dangerous Distraction
At the most recent United Nations Environment Assembly, Africa’s leaders helped shoot down a resolution that called for more research into
When France and Germany Squabble, Putin Rejoices
Following a recent, highly public disagreement, French and German leaders urgently need to get back on the same page. At a time when Europe
The Economic Consequences of Legal Behavior
Many thriving societies, such as Germany and Japan, adhere closely to the letter of the law. However, allowing for a certain degree of latitude
The Untimely Resurrection of the Two-State Solution
A two-state solution is both the ideal and the enigma of the Israeli-Palestine conflict. Is it possible?
Carbon Credits Hold the Key to Combating Deforestation
After 15 years of planning and preparation, Ghana is poised to offer carbon credits to buyers in the Global North, who, facing accusations
Which AI Risks Matter?
Although overly confident predictions about artificial intelligence are as old as the field itself, there is good reason to take seriously
Why Is China Stalling Out?
China’s faltering growth reflects waning confidence in the country’s governing elite.