The economy played a critical role in the 2024 presidential race.
The Perils of a Trump-Musk Economy
Trump is offering crony rentier capitalism, a kind of capitalism which, even if it does well for Musk and other billionaires, won’t be good
Markets Vastly Underestimate Trump Risk
A Trump presidency poses significant investment risk which is nowhere to be seen in prevailing asset prices or in consensus market commentary.
Who Needs a New Economic Paradigm?
Demand for new economic paradigms is fast outrunning supply.
Is Capitalism Really the Cause of Global Inequality?
In recent years, Western observers have increasingly treated inequality as a domestic issue.
The Global Implications of China’s Stimulus Package
China’s newly announced stimulus aims to boost liquidity, stimulate consumer spending, and revitalize the real-estate sector.
America’s Protectionist Policies Are Backfiring
The US and its allies would be wise to abandon unilateralism and pursue coordinated multilateral measures.
The Debt That Shall Not Be Named
Neither presidential candidate wants to address the national debt. But as president, they must.
Will the EU Heed Draghi’s Call for Integration?
Europe needs greater economic and political integration if it is to rise to the challenges of this century. But can it respond?
Are Consumers Being Ripped Off?
Many Americans are frustrated with an economy that by most measures is actually doing pretty well — the explanation may lie in rising
Abortion and Reproductive Rights Are Economic Issues
In the United States and elsewhere, reproductive freedom is a cornerstone of economic prosperity.
A New Trilemma Haunts the World Economy
Can the world simultaneously address climate change, alleviate poverty, and boost the middle class? Maybe not, but it is worth trying.
Resetting US-China Economic Relations
International economic cooperation is vastly underestimated and occasionally necessary. The US and China need to find ways to cooperate.
The Fed: Set to Fail Conventionally?
The Fed has achieved its dual mandate of price stability and maximum employment. So why will it ease gradually and not all at once?
America Has No Alternative to Industrial Policy
Gone are the days when US politics was a divide between believers in free markets and those advocating for government intervention. To paraphrase
Analytical Volatility Is Worse than Market Whiplash
The US economic data released in early August triggered a brief but dramatic episode of financial-market volatility.
Is Gross National Happiness the Way Forward?
The idea that GDP is an inadequate indicator of well-being has gained ground in recent years.
Would Harris or Trump Be Better for the World Economy?
A major uncertainty looming over the global economy is who will be the next US president.
‘Whac-a-Mole’ Economics
Ever since the global financial crisis, politicians have jettisoned economic theory for reflexive solutions to economic challenges. Neither
The Dollar Is Everyone’s Problem
In recent decades, the US Federal Reserve’s monetary policy disproportionately affected emerging-market and developing economies.
The Fed’s Awkward Dismount
Fed Chairman Powell was poised to be hailed as the central bank gold medalist who stuck the soft landing. Has this changed?
To Preserve Democracy, Tax the Rich
According to a recent United Nations report, 71% of the world’s population now live in countries where inequality has increased.
How to Create More Good Jobs
In many countries, innovation and good jobs have become increasingly concentrated in a few places.
The Factors Behind US Investor Confidence
US stock markets have remained bullish in the face of deepening domestic and international risks, owing to three key factors. But with two