In the United States and elsewhere, reproductive freedom is a cornerstone of economic prosperity.
Where Is the War in Ukraine Heading?
With Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine now well into its third year, there are mounting questions about
The US Election Will Overturn Europe’s Strategic Status Quo
Europe needs to take control of its own strategic destiny no matter who wins the US election in November.
‘Whac-a-Mole’ Economics
Ever since the global financial crisis, politicians have jettisoned economic theory for reflexive solutions to economic challenges. Neither
America’s Climate Election
The 2024 US election is of paramount importance for US climate policy. But the challenges and policy choices confronting Kamala Harris, should
A Principled and Powerful EU
The EU is facing numerous daunting – even existential – challenges.
The Rule of Law Is Coming for Putin
The Council of Europe, often criticized for being overly cautious, is flexing its muscles.
Immigration Does Not Start at the US Border
The American public does seem to understand that immigration does not start at the US border.
Patriotic Grift
US President Joe Biden has declined the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination.
Biden Rejects the Drug of Power
By stepping aside to let a younger candidate take over, Biden has prioritized America’s interests over his own desire to lead.
The Trump Shooting Reveals the Hallmarks of American Political Violence
Europe is no stranger to political violence like the recent attempt on Donald Trump’s life at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania.
Can Democracy Win in 2024?
By the end of this historic election year, we will have a clearer idea of democratic leaders’ ability to convince voters that the system
Don’t Kid Yourself, There is A Choice
We deserve better candidates for the world’s most powerful and important job, but we cannot let frustration be our master — this year’s
The Supreme Court Is Shaking America’s Fiscal Foundations
The US Supreme Court’s 6-3 conservative supermajority, having demonstrated its willingness to undermine long-standing government powers
Europe’s Coming Paralysis
The collapse of centrist parties in France and a weakened German government leave Europe unable to meet the economic and security challenges
The New EU Leadership Must Unite on China
The European Union’s foreign policy will soon be under new management.
Why Macron Is Risking an Election
Why would French President Emmanuel Macron risk holding an election that the far right is likely to win?
America’s Democratic Dysfunction
Addressing America’s political chasm requires an understanding of deep cultural, historical and institutional divisions in US history.
Are the Kids All Right?
The threat for democracy comes from an unexpected source: the young.
Rough Justice for Trump
Following Donald Trump’s conviction in a Manhattan courtroom, the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board worries that the successful prosecution
Why Bonds Remain Boring
The bond market has defied the pessimists, with yields remaining relatively low despite massive Federal deficits and debt levels. But there
NATO Without America
Can Europe ensure its own security without the US? Not yet.
When France and Germany Squabble, Putin Rejoices
Following a recent, highly public disagreement, French and German leaders urgently need to get back on the same page. At a time when Europe
The US and China Are Not Destined for War
Given the rising tension between the United States and China, the Jackson Hole Economics editors felt it was worth re-visiting this piece,