The collapse of centrist parties in France and a weakened German government leave Europe unable to meet the economic and security challenges
The New EU Leadership Must Unite on China
The European Union’s foreign policy will soon be under new management.
Why Macron Is Risking an Election
Why would French President Emmanuel Macron risk holding an election that the far right is likely to win?
America’s Democratic Dysfunction
Addressing America’s political chasm requires an understanding of deep cultural, historical and institutional divisions in US history.
Are the Kids All Right?
The threat for democracy comes from an unexpected source: the young.
Rough Justice for Trump
Following Donald Trump’s conviction in a Manhattan courtroom, the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board worries that the successful prosecution
Why Bonds Remain Boring
The bond market has defied the pessimists, with yields remaining relatively low despite massive Federal deficits and debt levels. But there
NATO Without America
Can Europe ensure its own security without the US? Not yet.
When France and Germany Squabble, Putin Rejoices
Following a recent, highly public disagreement, French and German leaders urgently need to get back on the same page. At a time when Europe
The US and China Are Not Destined for War
Given the rising tension between the United States and China, the Jackson Hole Economics editors felt it was worth re-visiting this piece,
Why Trump Can’t Win
Trump’s extremism risks depressing Republican turnout, which could undermine his re-election chances in November.
The Untimely Resurrection of the Two-State Solution
A two-state solution is both the ideal and the enigma of the Israeli-Palestine conflict. Is it possible?
Trump, Avalanches, and Character
Sometimes, an avalanche is triggered by one final snowflake weighting a slope beyond what it can take. Could Trump’s growing litany of legal
The Fiscal State of the Union
If political leaders in the US don’t tackle both structural fiscal adjustment and tax reform, 2025 will be a year of reckoning.
The Lonesome Death of Alexei Navalny
Navalny’s only ‘crime’ was opposing Vladimir Putin, for which he paid with his life.
The Economic State of the Union
As President Biden prepares to deliver his State of the Union address, it is an opportune time to consider what the economic data says about
Will Ukraine Survive?
What Ukraine and its Western backers have accomplished in the wake of Russia’s February 2022 invasion is extraordinary. But with congressional
American Greatness and Decline
A Trump victory this November would hasten the return of US isolationism and the decline of American hegemony. The roots of American withdrawal
Germany’s Dangerous Alternatives
The breakdown of Germany’s postwar centrist political consensus poses risks for Germany and Europe. Elections this year could not be more
2024 Elections: The Trump “Dummy” Factor
The Trump effect is well-known, but not for what the conventional wisdom believes — the data suggest that Trump consistently hurts his and
China’s Imagination Deficit
Despite facing a flagging economy, powerful demographic headwinds, and an escalating rivalry with the United States, the Chinese government
Davos and the Perils of Prediction
Why is it that a gathering of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful people tends to produce such an inability to predict the future?
Loosening the Threads of Anti-Immigrant Bias
Educating young people to thrive in increasingly diverse schools requires reimagining how we build a shared sense of belonging among youth.
Protecting Ukraine Aid from Western Political Dysfunction
Despite overwhelming public support, domestic partisan disputes prevent Western countries from delivering crucial aid to Ukraine. To ensure