The demand that Russia pay reparations for its unprovoked war in Ukraine is morally compelling. But Russia would be less likely to reconcile
Surviving a Future of Extreme Heat
Unprecedented extreme-heat episodes like the heatwave in India and Pakistan this spring and the 2021 heat dome in the Pacific Northwest are
The Case for Nordic and NATO Realism
To be a realist in international relations is to accept that some states are more sovereign than others. “Strict realism” now requires
Realizing Africa’s Sustainable Energy Future
Without international support, including investment at scale, African countries will not be able to expand energy access to all and still
Banks and the Green Leap Forward
By imposing stricter capital requirements on fossil-fuel lending, governments and banking regulators can help to redirect a huge flow of funds
The Case Against Green Central Banking
Addressing climate change is vital. But so too is sound central banking. Keeping those tasks separate is best.
Reeling in a Deal to Save the Ocean
The oceans are our commons. We must act before they become our tragedy. The upcoming WTO meeting offers an opportunity for a fresh start.
Star Trek and Climate Change
We must address climate change with urgency, but also with political realism so we don’t otherwise lose the battle before we get effectively
The Climate Demands Better Capitalism
Sustainable growth is not an oxymoron, but it is an aim that requires both markets and social awareness.
Coping with Complexity
Today we are confronted by rapid change and fundamental, even existential, challenges to overly complex systems — only more flexible thinking
Planning the Route to Net Zero
In the run-up to COP26, companies trumpeted their commitment to addressing climate change, often citing pledges to achieve goals decades in
What Europe’s Energy Crunch Reveals
Addressing climate change requires resiliency and sacrifice. Both are in short supply, suggesting that required changes will be delayed, imposing
Why Are Supply Chains Blocked?
When forecasts are not specific enough to be actionable, the supply response cannot adjust in a timely or efficient manner. And because there
The Path to Climate Credibility
As the world convenes to address climate change, it may take sticks as well as carrots to meet emissions targets. Tariffs on laggard nations
Clean Energy Has Won the Economic Race
Even as major oil companies report record profits, the tide is turning against them and fossil fuels. The future belongs to renewables.
Ending Hunger Sustainably
Ending hunger, malnutrition and food insecurity is not at odds with custody of the planet. Data, technology and public-private partnership
Norway’s Sovereign Duty
Having built its wealth by pumping hydrocarbons out of the seabed, Norway has an obligation to leverage the power of its massive sovereign
Will the BRICS Ever Grow Up?
Finding viable solutions for managing the fossil-fuel industry’s decline is now more critical than ever. A Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation
The Case for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
Finding viable solutions for managing the fossil-fuel industry’s decline is now more critical than ever. A Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation
The Biodiversity Challenge
Population growth and economic expansion are on a trajectory to overwhelm nature, leading to biodiversity collapse.
Tackling Climate Change Together
Successfully mitigating climate change this century will take a joined up effort by all countries—rich, middle income and poor.
Are US Corporations Above the Law?
By siding with major food corporations over six Malian former child slaves who were seeking compensation under US tort laws, the US Supreme
The G20 Must Act Now to Vaccinate the World
It is imperative that the G20 finance ministers’ meeting in Venice this week act to provide the COVID-19 vaccines needed to achieve
Economics Needs a Climate Revolution
With its fixation on equilibrium thinking and an exclusive focus on market factors that can be precisely measured, the neoclassical orthodoxy