Protectionism these days is popular. It is also wrong. Free trade can remain a pathway to increased prosperity for all.
Latest Articles
Europe’s Coming Paralysis
The collapse of centrist parties in France and a weakened German government leave Europe unable to meet the economic and security challenges
Is Private Credit Becoming the Public’s Problem?
Given the explosive growth of private credit over the past 15 years, it is understandable that regulators and central bankers are taking a
What Climate-Vulnerable Developing Countries Need Right Now
A problem as unprecedentedly large and destructive as climate change demands bold new thinking and urgent action.
The New EU Leadership Must Unite on China
The European Union’s foreign policy will soon be under new management.
When the Rules Change
Charlie Brown, and the iconic cartoon series Peanuts, has much to teach us about how to navigate a time of fundamentally changing norms.
Why Macron Is Risking an Election
Why would French President Emmanuel Macron risk holding an election that the far right is likely to win?
The Dangers of a US Capital Inflow Tax
This election season in the United States has brought forth many bad policy proposals.
America’s Democratic Dysfunction
Addressing America’s political chasm requires an understanding of deep cultural, historical and institutional divisions in US history.
Don’t Believe the AI Hype
Artificial Intelligence is unlikely to revolutionize the economy as much as its proponents would have has believe.
Are the Kids All Right?
The threat for democracy comes from an unexpected source: the young.
Inflation: The Making of a Good Story
Inflation is perhaps the key topic of today’s political economy, but it is also one that is ripe for storytellers to manipulate.
A Plea for Political Economy
As markets, trade, politics, and international relations become increasingly interconnected, mainstream economics finds itself at an intellectual
Rough Justice for Trump
Following Donald Trump’s conviction in a Manhattan courtroom, the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board worries that the successful prosecution
Jedi Mind Tricks
If you could give yourself and other young women advice on how to navigate a male-dominated society, what would it be?
Maxims for the AI Age
Far too often, debates about technology, innovation, and progress fall into crude dichotomies – humans versus machines, utopia versus dystopia
Central Banks’ New-Old Inflationary Bias
While rules-based monetary policy thrived when globalization put downward pressure on inflation, the COVID-19 pandemic has revived central
How to Close the Gender Wage Gap
Gender pay parity in Iceland demonstrates that equal rights and public policy are required to achieve economic equality.
What the AI Pessimists Are Missing
Like other disruptive technologies, AI evokes fear. But it has the potential to transform our lives for the better.
Crunch Time for the Power Sector
The grid is long overdue an upgrade. Doing so requires a public-private enterprise.
Life Doesn’t Come With a Manual, It Comes With a Mother
This Mother’s Day, we honor our mother’s in prose and verse.
The Rise of the Finternet
Financial services must catch up with the advances made in communications since the advent of the internet and smartphones.
Don’t Fret About Green Subsidies
Governments should stop decrying each others’ green industrial policies as norm violations or dangerous transgressions of international
Why Bonds Remain Boring
The bond market has defied the pessimists, with yields remaining relatively low despite massive Federal deficits and debt levels. But there