An Interview with Jim O’Neill

by Andrew Milligan | May 31, 2021

Courtesy of the Society of Professional Economists (SPE), a UK based organization, we are delighted to share an interview conducted by Andrew Milligan with Lord Jim O’Neill, former chief economist of Goldman Sachs, Commercial Secretary to the UK Treasury, and advisor to governments and non-governmental organizations alike. In their interview, which can be accessed via the link below, Andrew and Lord O’Neill explore a wide range of topics ranging from globalization, pandemic control and the state of the world economy to UK housing, regional development and financial services post-Brexit. 

About the Author

Andrew Milligan is an independent economist and investment consultant. He is a Board member of the Asia Scotland Institute, an adviser to the Health Foundation, to Balmoral Asset Management and to the Educational Institute of Scotland, and a Fellow of the Society of Professional Economists. From 2000-20, Andrew was the chief market strategist for the global fund manager Aberdeen Standard Investments.

After graduating from Bristol University, Andrew started in H.M. Treasury where he specialised in the IMF and World Bank’s handling of the Latin American debt crisis. He then worked in turn for Lloyds Bank, the broker Smith New Court, and New Japan Securities as an international economist. In 1995 he entered the asset management industry, becoming Head of Economic Research and Business Risk for Aviva Investors. In 2000 he moved to Edinburgh to work as the Head of Global Strategy for Standard Life Investments, in charge of a team covering economic and market research, tactical and strategic asset allocation decisions, client advice and communications for retail and institutional clients globally.

After its merger with Aberdeen Asset Management to form Aberdeen Standard Investments, the company became the second largest active fund manager in Europe with over 30 offices across the major financial centres. Andrew is well known as a public speaker while his writing, commentary and interviews have appeared in all the mainstream media.

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