President-elect Trump has promised to usher in wide-ranging ‘beautiful’ tariffs in 2025, but there is no lipstick that can make the pig
Will Bond Market Vigilantes Be A “Guardrail”?
President-elect Trump likes a fight, but he has never faced the bond market vigilantes; will rising interest rates and their potential negative
Trump’s Inflationary Triple Threat
With unified Republican control of the White House and Congress, US President-elect Donald Trump is poised to pursue radical economic policies.
Alien Life and Humanity’s Future
Humanity is in a perilous phase, and the existential challenges we now face may hold the answer to the age-old question of whether there is
The BRICS Currency Charade
Last month’s BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia, was, like all summits, heavy on photo ops.
Once Again, It Was the Economy, Stupid
The economy played a critical role in the 2024 presidential race.
Centering Ourselves in Humanity
In today’s fractured political climate, reminders of our “better angels” are rare. Here is one.
Musk Ox
A herd of musk oxen are abandoned by their dominant male. How will they defend themselves? An allegory.
What Will Trump’s Victory Mean for the Climate?
On climate and especially environmental policy, the return of Donald Trump to the White House is clearly bad news.
The Case for Solidarity Levies
With each passing year, we witness more climate-related destruction.
Only Harris Will Deliver Shared Prosperity
Only Harris has a coherent program of encouraging science, making it easier to commercialize innovations, and funding new business in all
Harris or Chaos
While Donald Trump promises stability through authoritarian control, he would instead deliver unprecedented chaos and social disorder.
Markets Vastly Underestimate Trump Risk
A Trump presidency poses significant investment risk which is nowhere to be seen in prevailing asset prices or in consensus market commentary.
The Biodiversity Crisis Is a Security Crisis
If left unaddressed, biodiversity loss will accelerate climate change and amplify its consequences, contributing to more natural disasters
How China Is Preparing for America’s Next President
China is girding itself for a long-term adversarial relationship with the US, regardless of who is America’s next president.
The Choice Confronting American Voters
A Trump victory could be devastating for the US and other democracies. Will US voters take that into account when they go to the polls?
Climate Change and Collective Will
Climate change is forcing the understanding that free market, libertarian ideals of human self-interest are incapable of addressing the life
Who Needs a New Economic Paradigm?
Demand for new economic paradigms is fast outrunning supply.
Hurricanes and the US Presidency
Two years ago, Asheville NC was viewed as a climate haven. Two weeks ago it was almost washed away from Hurricane Helene. No one seeking the
The Global Implications of China’s Stimulus Package
China’s newly announced stimulus aims to boost liquidity, stimulate consumer spending, and revitalize the real-estate sector.
America’s Protectionist Policies Are Backfiring
The US and its allies would be wise to abandon unilateralism and pursue coordinated multilateral measures.
The Debt That Shall Not Be Named
Neither presidential candidate wants to address the national debt. But as president, they must.
Will the EU Heed Draghi’s Call for Integration?
Europe needs greater economic and political integration if it is to rise to the challenges of this century. But can it respond?
Are Consumers Being Ripped Off?
Many Americans are frustrated with an economy that by most measures is actually doing pretty well — the explanation may lie in rising