Technological innovation alone does not boost productivity. Only when technology is widely adopted does it lift living standards. That’s
The US and China Are Not Destined for War
As more commentators warn of a coming military conflict between the United States and China, it is easy to believe that war is inevitable.
Biden’s Cruel Summer
Might Afghanistan derail President Biden’s domestic policy agenda? Foreign policy setbacks sometimes do—and sometimes don’t. Much depends
COVID and the Conservative Economic Crack-up
Free-market advocates have been unable to stem the erosion of intellectual and public confidence in their arguments. Two prominent economists,
Guns and Taxes
In America, guns and taxes are unavoidable. If we are to address the true cost of guns, it is time to tax them.
Why Teach History?
If we only share what is noble and good from the past, we can be sure that our understandings will be simplistic, inaccurate and leave us
When Politics and Economics Clash
China’s leadership is asserting itself. When politics and economics clash, politics often wins—to the detriment of economics and investing.
Blame Game
Central banks are not infallible. But they are not chiefly responsible for rising inequality.
A Central Bank Cryptocurrency to Democratize Money
Since 2008 – and more so during the pandemic – central bank money has been showered, via private bankers, on the ultra-rich, while everyone
The Biodiversity Challenge
Population growth and economic expansion are on a trajectory to overwhelm nature, leading to biodiversity collapse.
The Dangers of Decoupling
With Sino-American relations increasingly coming to resemble the geopolitical dynamics of the original Cold War, the world is heading toward
The Antitrust War’s Opening Salvo
With a major new executive order calling for stronger enforcement of antitrust laws, Joe Biden has become the first president since Harry
Are Central Bankers Complacent?
When a former central banker suggests today’s central bankers may be complacent about inflation, that’s news.
Tackling Climate Change Together
Successfully mitigating climate change this century will take a joined up effort by all countries—rich, middle income and poor.
Are US Corporations Above the Law?
By siding with major food corporations over six Malian former child slaves who were seeking compensation under US tort laws, the US Supreme
The Global Dangers of Rising US Inflation
At-risk economies may have six months or so to implement self-help measures before any sudden US monetary-policy tightening happens.
The Pandemic Opportunity
With so much of “normal” social and economic life put on hold by the coronavirus pandemic, there is no better time to consider new approaches
The G20 Must Act Now to Vaccinate the World
It is imperative that the G20 finance ministers’ meeting in Venice this week act to provide the COVID-19 vaccines needed to achieve
Celebrating Aspiration
The US founding fathers were flawed. Yet in words, deeds and law they created platforms for human aspiration. That legacy is invaluable.
Talking Inflation
Hear Larry Hatheway discusses the outlook for inflation and what it means for markets in this broadcast interview with journalist Carolin
The Right Advice for the Pandemic Recovery
Once upon a time, macro-policy coordination was fashionable. As Koichi Hamada argues, the pandemic offers us a chance to reengage that thinking
Honoring Our Nation of Nations on July 4th
As we gather to celebrate July 4th, it is an opportune time to recognize and celebrate that we are a nation not of immigrants, but of migrants.
Biden’s Antitrust Revolutionaries
A growing debate over the scope and purpose of US antitrust law has pitted traditional technocrats against an ascendant movement that is demanding
America’s Flawed Search for Itself
Americans must constantly and critically question the breezy, arrogant belief that the United States is a most perfect union of freedom, democracy,