Since 2008 – and more so during the pandemic – central bank money has been showered, via private bankers, on the ultra-rich, while everyone
Dismal Economics
Although neoclassical economics relies on assumptions that should have been discarded long ago, it remains the mainstream orthodoxy. Three
The Antitrust War’s Opening Salvo
With a major new executive order calling for stronger enforcement of antitrust laws, Joe Biden has become the first president since Harry
Are Central Bankers Complacent?
When a former central banker suggests today’s central bankers may be complacent about inflation, that’s news.
The Global Dangers of Rising US Inflation
At-risk economies may have six months or so to implement self-help measures before any sudden US monetary-policy tightening happens.
Talking Inflation
Hear Larry Hatheway discusses the outlook for inflation and what it means for markets in this broadcast interview with journalist Carolin
Honoring Our Nation of Nations on July 4th
As we gather to celebrate July 4th, it is an opportune time to recognize and celebrate that we are a nation not of immigrants, but of migrants.
Taming the New Wild West
Traditionally, the US has favored a largely unstructured internet in order to promote the free flow of ideas and information. But US enthusiasm
America’s Flawed Search for Itself
Americans must constantly and critically question the breezy, arrogant belief that the United States is a most perfect union of freedom, democracy,
Beyond Divestment
Investors wield huge power to change corporate agendas. As pressure builds for all players in business to tackle the climate change threat,
Inside Money: An Interview with Zachary Karabell
Zachary Karabell is a leading public intellectual. His most recent book, Inside Money: Brown Brothers Harriman and the American Way of Power
How to Fix the Gates Foundation
Divorce is difficult. It also puts pressure on foundations run by former partners. The remedy is improved governance.
How Not to Launch a Digital Currency
The story of Facebook’s failed effort to launch a global digital currency and payment system is reminiscent of the historic struggle
How to Vaccinate Every Country
The current approach to COVID-19 vaccination – using limited vaccine supplies to protect low-risk populations in a handful of countries
What We Learned From the Pandemic
As the pandemic recedes in the US, Jackson Hole Economics co-founders Alex Friedman and Larry Hatheway share personal thoughts on what they
Mission Creep
A range of countries are now asking their central banks to include risks from climate change in their list of responsibilities. Given how
The Silent Defunding of Democracy
A healthy democracy requires a commitment to educating our youth in wide-ranging ways, yet there is now a purge going on of academic departments
Making Small Cool: A Case For Progressive Green Taxes
If we are truly going to ‘build back better,’ a smart start would be to introduce progressive green taxes.
China’s Digital Currency and Monetary Warfare
China’s creation of its new digital currency may be the first shot in a new form of monetary warfare. The CCCP is taking steps to undermine
The Circular Economy
Ever wonder how humanity can create a circular economy in which production, distribution, consumption, and reuse of products and materials
Climate Safety Nets for All
The droughts, floods, and severe weather that come with climate change will leave the world’s poorest and most vulnerable even worse
China’s Go-It-Alone Five-Year Plan
Autarky and authoritarianism rarely accompany economic dynamism. China’s latest fie year plan, which emphasizes both, could be a road to
In Bitcoin We Trust?
Sound money requires utility and trust. That’s why digital currencies are more likely to succeed than Bitcoin.
The US Military and the Capitol Mob
The disproportionate share of insurrectionists at the US Capitol with a military background are not representative of the armed forces as