Time and again, migration has driven human advancement. With the right policies, it will continue to do so.
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A No-Brainer for Global Growth and US Jobs
With global growth slowing and many developing countries facing debt crises, the world needs another infusion of the International Monetary
Global Economic Perspectives 2025
The world economy in 2025 superficially resembles that of 2024. But, beneath a tranquil economic surface, important changes are taking place.
The Economic Consequences of Trump 2.0
The US president-elect’s signature policies will do almost nothing positive for less educated Americans or significantly improve the
Economic Development in a Protectionist World
As apprehension grows in China, Europe, and Japan about a possible trade war triggered by the incoming Trump administration, one should also
Hope, Dreams and Good Works in 2025
As we welcome 2025 amid a daunting array of challenges, it is important to pause and marvel at the many positive trends that mark our world
Touching the Face of our Star
On December 26th, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe touched the Sun, flying faster than any human object before and reminding us that mankind can
A Baseline Scenario for the Global Economy in 2025
In 2024, global geopolitics and national politics have undergone considerable upheaval.
Gender Apartheid Is a Crime Against Humanity
As the Taliban escalates its oppression of women and girls, the international community must hold Afghanistan’s leaders accountable.
The US Economy’s Trust Deficit
Declining trust in America’s institutions is not merely a contemporary phenomenon. It has real economic costs.
What If Trump Subdues the Fed?
More and more commentators are thinking the unthinkable: Donald Trump might end the Fed’s independence. The result would be calamitous.
The Half Promise of Weight-Loss Drugs
For all their promise, weight-loss drugs are the proverbial band-aid on the mortal wound. If we are to address obesity, we must address a
Could He Do It?
The financial markets are near all-time highs, yet the ingredients for an epochal financial crisis appear to be building.
Populism Never Lasts
Understanding the return of populism is crucial for making sense of today’s politics.
Impostors at War
Impersonation is as old as war itself.
Trump’s Tariffs Will Backfire
While Trump appears eager to impose tariffs on everyone, China has always been his favorite target.
Choice in Dying Comes to the UK
The UK appears set to join other several other countries and a few US states in offering death with dignity to the terminally ill.
The Sources of Japanese Resilience
One day, when it comes to ‘democratic exceptionalism’, we may think ‘Japan’ not ‘the US’. Why? The answer is resilience.
Why Bidenomics Did Not Deliver at the Polls
Bidenomics didn’t work in the 2023 election because it focused on 20th century workers, not those struggling today.
The World Needs a Pro-Human AI Agenda
AI may not deliver the benefits many anticipate. But it could be disruptive. We deserve better.
Amazon Is Busting Democracy, Not Just Unions
Plutocracy is not just bad for democracy. It harms workers, too. We deserve better.
Trump’s Impossible Economics
Trump’s economic policies are incoherent and inconsistent. They are likely to lower living standards and lift inflation.
Trump Tariffs: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
President-elect Trump has promised to usher in wide-ranging ‘beautiful’ tariffs in 2025, but there is no lipstick that can make the pig
Will Bond Market Vigilantes Be A “Guardrail”?
President-elect Trump likes a fight, but he has never faced the bond market vigilantes; will rising interest rates and their potential negative