Despite overwhelming public support, domestic partisan disputes prevent Western countries from delivering crucial aid to Ukraine. To ensure
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A Progressive Green Growth Narrative
Although many countries have the means to direct new investment toward decarbonization and other socially and environmentally beneficial outcomes,
It’s (More Than) the Economy, Stupid!
Lower inflation and low unemployment, alone, may not ensure Biden’s reelection. Voter economic angst runs deeper and broader than simple
Why Are So Many Young Chinese Depressed?
Young Chinese are increasingly disillusioned by a rigid education system, restrictions on free movement and heavy-handed family policies.
Confronting Our Four Biggest Economic Challenges
Economics has the tools to address climate change, inequality, development and globalization. But it must use them more wisely.
Not Just Democracy on the Ballot
Liberalism, far more than democracy, is at stake in this year’s elections. What America and the world need are voices that can rejuvenate
How Fiscal is the Fed?
Central bank independence is considered essential for the effective conduct of monetary policy. But has that independence been compromised
Clarifying America’s Great Inequality Debate
Inequality has become more pronounced in recent decades. It is a function of a dysfunctional economy. Recognition is the first step toward
The Rule of Law Under Fire
The post-1945 international order is not perfect, not least because it remains dominated by its leaders and architects: Europe and, especially,
The Biggest Threats to Global Economic Stability
While the sovereign-debt crisis that is currently unfolding across the developing world may not have the immediate global impact of the 2008-09
The Pillars of Green Wisdom
We must not allow the ongoing war in Ukraine and the fighting in Gaza to distract us from collective efforts to reduce our greenhouse-gas
What we Hope for in 2024
In 2024, we have three hopes for a better world.
Private Jets, Climate and Taxes
In a world beset by inequality, private jets represent the tip of the spear. It is time to do something about it.
The Inflation Challenge in 2024
The latest consumer price data in major advanced economies offer some encouraging news about headline inflation trends; but core inflation
Whither Interest Rates?
Absent recurring aggregate supply and demand shocks, or a global private sector investment boom, lower interest rates are here to stay.
AI’s Copyright Problem Is Fixable
Contrary to what leading tech companies claim, it is entirely possible to ensure that generative AI models respect copyright and compensate
Higher Interest Rates Are Here to Stay
The long-standing economic consensus that interest rates would remain low indefinitely, making debt cost-free, is no longer tenable. Even
Fulfilling the Promise of Medicare
Medicare is a program so good that it is worth improving. But powerful vested interests stand in the way of a system that could provide better
Will High Interest Rates Trigger a Debt Disaster?
Big government deficits and rising debt-to-GDP ratios are triggering calls for fiscal austerity. But many fiscal hawks ignore the role that
The Legacy of Henry Kissinger
Kissinger left a complex legacy, highlighted by strategic brilliance and tarnished by deep flaws. In his life’s work and actions reside
Is Industrial Policy Like Vitamin C or Penicillin?
Industrial policy is being resurrected worldwide, despite a mixed legacy. Yet the prevalence of market failure suggests that improving economic
If Europe Could Do It, So Can the Middle East
A two-state solution must be bold, creative and inclusive. That does not make it impossible.
The Two-State, Two-Economy Solution
Finding a two-state, economically viable solution amid the ‘archipelago’ that is Palestinian territory will be a major challenge.
Reasons to Give Thanks
Later this week, US families join together for Thanksgiving. Many will return to loved ones with heavy hearts, burdened by the unending news