When the US effectively floated the US dollar in 1971, many foresaw the end, or at least the beginning of the end, of the Bretton Woods system
A Global Tax Deal for the Rich, Not the Poor
Despite the recent G7 agreement on corporate taxation, global leadership requires going beyond national interests to ensure that all countries
Inside Money: An Interview with Zachary Karabell
Zachary Karabell is a leading public intellectual. His most recent book, Inside Money: Brown Brothers Harriman and the American Way of Power
The Stimulus Didn’t Work, Again
Since the onset of the pandemic in March 2020, the US government has provided tens of millions of households with direct injections of cash.
How to Fix the Gates Foundation
Divorce is difficult. It also puts pressure on foundations run by former partners. The remedy is improved governance.
Mapping the Path to Carbon Neutrality
As countries around the world consider whether and how to raise their decarbonization ambitions under the Paris climate agreement, South Korea
How Not to Launch a Digital Currency
The story of Facebook’s failed effort to launch a global digital currency and payment system is reminiscent of the historic struggle
How to Vaccinate Every Country
The current approach to COVID-19 vaccination – using limited vaccine supplies to protect low-risk populations in a handful of countries
Coming to Terms
When it comes to peace, military supremacy, hatred and subjugation can not substitute for mutual recognition, trust and a willingness to compromise.
The Silent Defunding of Democracy
A healthy democracy requires a commitment to educating our youth in wide-ranging ways, yet there is now a purge going on of academic departments
A Realist Reset for US-Saudi Relations
President Joe Biden’s administration appears determined to separate America’s relationship with the Kingdom from the relationship
Biden’s Good Start on China
With US President Joe Biden restoring American support for multilateralism and international partnerships, the world’s democracies should
No Time to Waste
Saving the planet from catastrophic climate change will require not only a dramatic increase in funding for clean-energy research and development.
A Presidential Prescription for De-Polarization
To unify the country, President Biden must offer a common message of shared struggle and sacrifice. Migration, by choice or coercion, is that
Actions Speak Louder than Words
US-China economic and trade relations need a re-boot. The rhetoric from both sides is encouraging, compared to the mishaps of the past four
Vaccine Altruism: It Works for All
Prioritizing national vaccination in rich countries while ignoring the rest may not work. The aim should be to vaccinate the global population
An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure
The pandemic has exacerbated disparities in the provision of basic healthcare and urgently accelerated the need for a new focus on models
View from London
Europeans know the veneer of civilisation is thinner than we like to think. As President Biden is sworn in, we will be hoping he ushers in
The Truth About Trump’s Mob
The storming of the US Capitol by predominantly white supporters of President Donald Trump was in keeping with a long tradition of mob violence
The Great American Nerd-Out
Those who wreaked havoc on the U.S. Capitol were untrained in the core skills needed to be citizens of a democracy. It is time for a national
How Biden Can Restore Multilateralism Unilaterally
After four years of the Trump administration undermining global governance arrangements, President-elect Joe Biden will certainly have his
Cheek to Cheek
As hospitals surge to capacity under the pandemic’s strain, here is one young doctor’s story of what it’s like.
Racism, Business and My Journey
Racism is a cancer within our species and our society, one that too often we choose not to tackle. From my own journey, I know that the first
The Biden Agenda for US-China Relations
Mutual interest, and survival, rests upon two strategic adversaries understanding one another and acknowledging that their differences are