At a time when guidance and inspiration from the White House is missing, it is helpful to remind ourselves of what real American moral leadership
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The Deadly Urgency of Now
The consequences of lapses in international cooperation in combating COVID-19 over the last few months can now be counted in lost lives. Having
What the Stock Market Is Really Saying
The seeming confidence expressed by global equity markets in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic has surprised many – including many market
Target R and Wait for the Vaccine
Opening up the economy means allowing more human interaction and hence greater potential for new #COVID19 infections. Two numbers matter for
A Global COVID-19 Exit Strategy
The COVID-19 pandemic poses an unprecedented threat to both public health and the global economy. Only by ditching nationalist rhetoric and
The Human-Capital Costs of the Crisis
Unlike a hurricane or earthquake, the coronavirus pandemic has caused no damage to physical capital stock. But firm-specific skills have no
Cryptocurrencies’ Time to Shine?
Digital money with strong privacy protections will be a key feature of the post pandemic recovery.
Will COVID-19 Derail the African Century?
Africa’s high urban population densities, high numbers of day workers, and weak medical systems would seem to make it highly vulnerable
What Trump Needs To Say
As in past global and national emergencies, the COVID-19 pandemic is a crisis that demands leadership from the highest levels.
The US Needs A Draft
The United States should establish a mandatory two-year paid national service program that would bring together Americans of different backgrounds
A COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan
The COVID-19 epidemic is accelerating, and as the new coronavirus approaches pandemic status, it is increasingly likely that the economic
Why Bernie?
If US Senator Bernie Sanders is the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate, he could win in November for any number of reasons. The
Pandemic Panics
The global overreaction to the coronavirus outbreak has once again exposed a lack of preparedness to use the knowledge and tools already at
Germany’s Crisis of the Right
The resignation of Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the leader of Germany’s Christian Democratic Union and Chancellor Angela Merkel’s designated
Restoring Central Banks’ Credibility
The old central-bank playbook of slashing interest rates to spur consumption, investment, and employment has become less effective since the
Dystopia Is Arriving in Stages
Science fiction has a warning about developing mind-reading technology without any proper framework for how to control it. It should be heeded.
The US economy’s strange decade
Weak productivity growth helps to explain the continued robust rates of job creation in the United States, as well as workers’ sluggish
We Are All Active Investors Now
Strategic asset-allocation decisions determine most of an investment portfolio’s subsequent return. Investors need to focus more on the
The Trade Leadership Deficit
Even if Donald Trump’s protectionism proves to be a short-run aberration, US global dominance is likely to continue to decline. To ensure
What I learned at Davos
Davos man must change. But that cannot mean rejecting the core commitment to the view that human ingenuity, fostered by open societies and
Will Monetary Policy Trigger Another Financial Crisis?
Sustained unconventional monetary policies in the years after the 2008 global financial crisis created the conditions for the second-longest
Can Global Capitalism Be Saved?
The politics of economic anxiety has now driven the electorates of the UK and the US into the hands of populists, and more countries’
The Fed’s Risky New Mandate
As the US Federal Reserve inches closer to achieving its targets for the domestic economy, it faces growing pressure to normalize monetary
The Fed’s Gamble on Surplus Labor
In recent weeks, the US Federal Reserve has adopted a more gradual approach to policy normalization, causing commodity and emerging markets