The pandemic has exacerbated disparities in the provision of basic healthcare and urgently accelerated the need for a new focus on models
View from London
Europeans know the veneer of civilisation is thinner than we like to think. As President Biden is sworn in, we will be hoping he ushers in
Small Moves In Bond Markets Mean Big Things
The recent uptick in bond yields bears watching, for the implications could be far-reaching for markets, economies and politics.
The Great American Nerd-Out
Those who wreaked havoc on the U.S. Capitol were untrained in the core skills needed to be citizens of a democracy. It is time for a national
Long-Term Visibility
Humanity faces critical decisions in the 2020s. The coronavirus was a warning shot about our misalignment with nature – a prelude, perhaps,
Race and Government Aid
The pandemic has been a human disaster on many levels, much of which was initially beyond our control. But when it comes to how government
Bartering Value
Much of the debate about the relationship between capitalism and democracy, economics and ethics, individual and community overlooks a very
Do Deficits Matter?
Government debt levels have soared, yet borrowing costs have never been lower. Do deficits matter anymore?
Humanity’s Greatest Technological Leap
Humanity is approaching mastery of nuclear fusion, our greatest technological leap since we discovered fire.
Are Free Markets Still Free?
Competition is critical to an economy’s vitality. Without it, free markets cease to be free. Is this now happening?
Pandemic, Insolvency and Inflation?
A pandemic, a solvency crisis and inflation may seem a strange combination. But 2020 has been a strange year in more ways than one – 2021
Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021
At the end of this most calamitous year, it is possible to envision a brighter 2021. Here are the forces and events likely to shape the days
Racism, Business and My Journey
Racism is a cancer within our species and our society, one that too often we choose not to tackle. From my own journey, I know that the first
The Biden Agenda for US-China Relations
Mutual interest, and survival, rests upon two strategic adversaries understanding one another and acknowledging that their differences are
America Must Mend Many Fences on Trade
The past four years of US protectionism and unilateralism will serve as a lasting reminder of how not to conduct trade policy in the twenty-first
When History Finally Makes Sense
Joe Biden, the President-Elect of the United States of America, is just a man. And yet, in the deep wisdom found in democracy, he may be exactly
Letter from Edinburgh
America has been drifting away from Europe for decades. A Biden presidency cannot change this. Europe must come to terms with the currents,
Could Inflation Be The Next Big Thing?
We live in a world of the improbable. Black swans, fat tails, Brexit and Donald Trump remind us that the improbable is possible, sometimes
Avalanches, Pandemics and Democracy
Like in an avalanche involving a group of skiers where each has their own interpretation of the risk, there is no correct ‘moral’ stance
A Billion Here, A Billion There
The United States comprises 4% of the world’s population but consumes over 16% of its energy. It is high time for the United States to once
The Most Contentious Election Ever
Much as we might prefer to see it otherwise, it is quite difficult to see how this ends well.
Joe is not Barack (and that is a good thing)
Cometh the hour, cometh the man. ‘Uncle Joe’, centered and centrist, understanding and unflappable, decent and democratic, civil and civilian
Don’t Mess With Our History
President Trump has announced the creation of a 1776 Federal Commission to promote Patriotic History Education, which will classify any history
Our Moral Compass
Are we still a nation that believes that character counts? Are we still guided by a strong moral compass?