This coming Thursday, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a family gathering, thankfully without the obligation of gift-giving. It is a holiday to reflect on that for which we are grateful. Turkey is the mainstay of the traditional Thanksgiving dinner. A...
Weekly Market Compass
The Midterms’ Red Ripple Delivers Uncertainty to the Markets
In a surprise to many observers (ourselves included), the midterm elections proved to be more closely contested than most polls and political
More Trick than Treat
Trick or treat? This cycle still looks more likely to deliver the mischievous than the sweet.
Could It Happen Here?
The exact experience of the UK crisis will probably not be repeated elsewhere, but financial stress and crises are the norm when monetary
Is a Bottom in Sight?
Stocks and bonds will not find a sustainable bottom until investors are confident that market prices fully discount the degree to which central
Recession Watch
Don’t be fooled by mixed signals. The world economy is slowing down and recessions are arriving.
The Final Quarter
In American sports, the final quarter is often when the game is decided. Investors hope Q4 will salvage an awful year — they may be disappointed.
Straws and Camels’ Backs
The economic and financial market outcomes now unfolding will be unpleasant, but they are not likely to be cataclysmic.
ESG Is Just a New Tool to Solve an Old Problem
Environmental, social, and governance investing is fundamentally about finding new ways to manage risk.
Are Markets Headed Down?
It is premature to conclude that weak profits will force equity valuations down significantly.
Laboring Days
Summer is over and it is time for investors to get back to work. It may be hard labor.
Jackson Whole?
The Federal Reserve’s annual Jackson Hole conference is about to begin — don’t expect much clarity.
The Productivity Paradox
Short-term productivity growth is likely to come in weak, but the real problem is that American workers’ productivity gains have been suffering
Trash Talking the Fed
Fed Chairman Powell took flak for suggesting the Fed Funds rate is now neutral. The criticism isn’t warranted.
Summer Heat
As investors get ready for an August break, most anticipate smooth sailing ahead — but many an August vacation has been ruined by market
A Tale of Two Economies
Investors are confused. Since early June US bond yields have gyrated like a drunken sailor, first soaring, then collapsing, and then surging
‘Recession now’ may not be what investors were hoping to hear, but it is probably preferable to the alternative of recession later.
Todo Mal?
Unless we take action to restore justice, our children will grow up in injustice. Now is the time to act.
Terrible Tens?
QE is ending and QT is starting — is it time to prepare for temper tantrums?
The Fed’s Big Hammer
The Fed is ready to wield the hammer of monetary policy on the nail of inflation – thumbs are going to get bruised.
Forget Inflation, Think Recession
The arrival of ‘peak inflation’ is not sufficient to calm investor nerves when recession and falling corporate profits loom.
All Clear?
Has an ‘all clear’ has been issued in the form of ‘peak inflation’, paving the way for investors to return with gusto into global
When Will More Economists Forecast Recession?
Economists are not forecasting a recession, but their forecasting record is not particularly good.
When is Enough, Enough?
Another week, another dismal set of returns. For stock and bond investors, 2022 is off to a terrible start. Now stresses are beginning to emerge in credit fixed income markets. Large Chinese real estate developers are teetering on the edge of default and US...