Weekly Market Compass

Turkey for Thanksgiving?

Turkey for Thanksgiving?

This coming Thursday, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a family gathering, thankfully without the obligation of gift-giving. It is a holiday to reflect on that for which we are grateful. Turkey is the mainstay of the traditional Thanksgiving dinner. A...

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Summer Heat

Summer Heat

As investors get ready for an August break, most anticipate smooth sailing ahead — but many an August vacation has been ruined by market

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All Clear?

All Clear?

Has an ‘all clear’ has been issued in the form of ‘peak inflation’, paving the way for investors to return with gusto into global

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When is Enough, Enough?

When is Enough, Enough?

Another week, another dismal set of returns. For stock and bond investors, 2022 is off to a terrible start. Now stresses are beginning to emerge in credit fixed income markets. Large Chinese real estate developers are teetering on the edge of default and US...

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