We must address climate change with urgency, but also with political realism so we don’t otherwise lose the battle before we get effectively
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Inflation, Divergence and Opportunity
Inflation is beginning to be felt in financial markets. For the astute investor, opportunity beckons.
The Climate Demands Better Capitalism
Sustainable growth is not an oxymoron, but it is an aim that requires both markets and social awareness.
Coping with Complexity
Today we are confronted by rapid change and fundamental, even existential, challenges to overly complex systems — only more flexible thinking
The Rise of Intangible Capitalism
The digitized, dematerialized, knowledge-based economy is already here and spreading, and offers huge potential value. The challenge for firms
Planning the Route to Net Zero
In the run-up to COP26, companies trumpeted their commitment to addressing climate change, often citing pledges to achieve goals decades in
Inflation Judgement Time
For financial markets, 2022 is shaping up to be all about inflation and how central banks respond to it. A policy error could prove irreparably
Bringing the ESG Revolution to Private Markets
Three great levers have historically moved the world: religion, government, and capital.
What Europe’s Energy Crunch Reveals
Addressing climate change requires resiliency and sacrifice. Both are in short supply, suggesting that required changes will be delayed, imposing
Back to Austerity?
The public purse is not unlimited. It is time for proponents of government programs to focus on what is essential to achieve before the next
Hawks, Doves, and Crows
In a world characterized by rapid and significant change, central banks need less focus on hawks and doves, and more on crows.
Why Are Supply Chains Blocked?
When forecasts are not specific enough to be actionable, the supply response cannot adjust in a timely or efficient manner. And because there
The Path to Climate Credibility
As the world convenes to address climate change, it may take sticks as well as carrots to meet emissions targets. Tariffs on laggard nations
Clean Energy Has Won the Economic Race
Even as major oil companies report record profits, the tide is turning against them and fossil fuels. The future belongs to renewables.
When Boom Turns to Bust
Parents shouldn’t spend their children’s money. But when it comes to healthcare and pensions, intergenerational injustice is enormous.
Colin Powell and the Meaning of Charisma
Colin Powell was not perfect, but he was a great leader. And like all great leaders, he had genuine charisma.
The True Costs of Government Spending
While all politicians exaggerate, US President Joe Biden’s claim that his proposed $3.5 trillion spending package “costs zero dollars”
France, Britain and an Acrimonious Divorce
The spat between France and Britain over Northern Ireland is a tricky one. Its roots run deep in the EU experiment.
Changing of the Guard
The world is adrift, yet investors are unconcerned. That’s collectively unwise.
China Must Restore Growth
Evergrande has exposed China’s fundamental growth vulnerability—an excessive reliance on debt. Structural reform is required now more
India: Steadfastly Non-Aligned
Under Nehru India was famously non-aligned. Under Modi it remains so. But India is now prepared to use shifting alliances to pursue its strategic
Ending Hunger Sustainably
Ending hunger, malnutrition and food insecurity is not at odds with custody of the planet. Data, technology and public-private partnership
Trick or Treat
Markets are enjoying a treat of strong profits growth. Beware the trick of supply chain disruptions that are boosting costs, impeding output
A New Global Economic Consensus
Now that the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the deficiencies of economic deregulation and market liberalization, a new policymaking paradigm