The Ever Green fiasco is the perfect metaphor for what can go wrong in today’s economy. Efficienct supply chains lack adequate redundancy.
Latest Articles
The Shape of Global Recovery
The accelerating rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in many advanced economies has set the stage for rapid recovery in the second half of this year
Resolving the Iran Conundrum
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken believes that Iran is only months away from being able to produce enough fissile material to build a
Market Forecasts vs. Fed Rhetoric
The Fed and the markets are playing risky games. Can each hold its nerve?
In Bitcoin We Trust?
Sound money requires utility and trust. That’s why digital currencies are more likely to succeed than Bitcoin.
Why Should Biden Ditch Trump’s China Tariffs?
When it comes to tariffs, self-interest and mutual interest are aligned. By reversing Trump tariff’s, everyone will be better off.
A Plan for Addressing the Hate Pandemic in Schools
The Covid-19 may soon be under control. However, there is a second pandemic that has been insidiously spreading throughout our schools and
Reflation, Rotation and Rebalancing
Reflation and Rotation are all the rage. But over time, re-balancing matters more.
Who Needs a Digital Dollar?
Recently, the idea of a digital greenback elicited support from US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Federal Reserve Chair Jay Powell. Ultimately,
Central Bank Credibility
By tolerating an inflation overshoot, the Fed may be boxing itself in. Fine tuning is the stuff of hubris, and hubris rarely serves anyone
The US Military and the Capitol Mob
The disproportionate share of insurrectionists at the US Capitol with a military background are not representative of the armed forces as
Build Back Equal
Creating an economy that works for everyone is not just a matter of empowering those who have been “left behind” by globalization. Instead,
Evolution, Not Revolution, in Economics
A growing acceptance of aggressive fiscal policy is supposed to be the first principle of a new, post-revolutionary regime in macroeconomics.
The ESG Trap
This rapid embrace of sustainability and social purpose is understandable, and mostly welcome. However, there are dangers in the uncritical
Keep an Eye on What Really Matters
Investors have been unnerved by rising bond yields. But volatility is not the enemy. Keep an eye on what really matters — economic re-opening
What Could Cause a US-China War?
Thucydides attributed the war that ripped apart the ancient Greek world to two causes: the rise of Athenian power, and the fear that this
A Realist Reset for US-Saudi Relations
President Joe Biden’s administration appears determined to separate America’s relationship with the Kingdom from the relationship
Central Banking’s Brave New World
Leading central banks are now keen to take on responsibility for policy objectives they previously shied away from, such as reducing inequality
Bitcoin Pollution
Bitcoin is all the rage, but the computers employed by Bitcoin miners will soon consume more electricity annually than the whole of the Netherlands,
GameStop’s Lesson: Stop Mechanising the Investment Game
The GameStop saga is another symptom of serious maladies affecting our economic mind-body.
Scary Monsters
David Bowie’s ‘Let’s Dance’ may be catchier than ‘Scary Monsters’, but investors would be well advised to watch out for what lurks
Biden’s Good Start on China
With US President Joe Biden restoring American support for multilateralism and international partnerships, the world’s democracies should
Vaccine Solidarity Now
The G7 has an opportunity to demonstrate global leadership in the COVID-19 pandemic by making the success of the international COVAX vaccine-access
Schrödinger’s Bitcoin
Notwithstanding the recent spectacular surge in its price, Bitcoin will remain an asset without intrinsic value whose market value can be