Saving the planet from catastrophic climate change will require not only a dramatic increase in funding for clean-energy research and development.
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A CEO’s Pandemic Lessons
The pandemic forced me to change my business model completely. In doing so, it challenged my long-held view that free trade, globalism and
Europe’s ESG Opportunity
Far from being a purely technical matter, assessing firms’ non-financial performance is a deeply political issue. Europe’s inclusive governance
How Deep Should Investors Swim?
Swimming against a tide pushed forward by massive policy stimulus seems likely to leave contrarian investors with little to show for their
Restoring Nature to Economics
Human economic activity makes extensive use of the ecosystem services nature provides, but these barely feature in measurements of GDP. It
A Presidential Prescription for De-Polarization
To unify the country, President Biden must offer a common message of shared struggle and sacrifice. Migration, by choice or coercion, is that
Actions Speak Louder than Words
US-China economic and trade relations need a re-boot. The rhetoric from both sides is encouraging, compared to the mishaps of the past four
Don’t Isolate Myanmar
US President Joe Biden’s administration must not ignore how often American sanctions against other countries have worked to China’s
The Perils of an Uneven Global Recovery
Vulnerable emerging markets could face a big hurdle if rising inflation pushes bond yields higher in 2021.
Democratic Disagreement
Divisions among the Democrats are opening, with potentially profound impacts on a cyclical recovery, inflation, financial markets and longer-term
Biden’s Asian Triangle
The Japan-US alliance remains popular in both countries, which need each other more than ever. Together, they can balance China’s power
Vaccine Altruism: It Works for All
Prioritizing national vaccination in rich countries while ignoring the rest may not work. The aim should be to vaccinate the global population
The Game Stops Here
The GameStop saga is not about altruism or financial democracy, more likely greed and a dollop of vengeance. But lessons ought to be drawn,
Biden’s Vaccine Challenge
In confronting the COVID-19 crisis, US President Joe Biden will avoid many of his predecessor’s mistakes, not least by heeding the advice
The US and China Must Cooperate in Space
Although the United States and China will likely remain at odds on many issues, President Joe Biden’s administration must also recognize
A Question of Valuation?
It has been said that stocks are not cheap and popular at the same time. Is it time to re-visit Robert Shiller’s well-known valuation metrics?
An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure
The pandemic has exacerbated disparities in the provision of basic healthcare and urgently accelerated the need for a new focus on models
An Important Week
A combination of the peak of the 4th quarter earnings season, political wrangling over the Biden Administration’s proposal to stimulate
View from London
Europeans know the veneer of civilisation is thinner than we like to think. As President Biden is sworn in, we will be hoping he ushers in
Prejudice and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Fighting prejudice must be a core policy aim for President Biden if he is to begin to heal America. But, doing so means confronting the dramatic
Saving America’s Public Pensions
US public pension schemes are increasingly facing funding gaps that will be difficult to close in today’s capital market environment.
Capitalism We Can Believe In
President-elect Joe Biden’s call to “build back better” after the pandemic is an invitation to renovate America’s outdated neoliberal
Doubt is Good
Believing erroneously in certainty is perilous — investors should be wary of certainty’s close cousin, consensus thinking.
Now is the Time to Cry
It is time for each of us to shake off any moral fatigue that we feel and fight for democracy through civic engagement and discourse.