Economics is full of inherent contradictions — and wisdom for those with the humility to unpack them.
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The Climate Crisis Is Also a Health Crisis
The interplay between climate change and the spread of deadly pathogens could herald an era of global devastation and disruption. To avert
War Over Taiwan?
For five decades, both China and the US benefited from the time they had bought on the question of the island’s status. To prevent what
The Unavoidable Crash
After years of ultra-loose fiscal, monetary, and credit policies and the onset of major negative supply shocks, stagflationary pressures are
FTX and When Foxes Guard Hen Houses
A great deal has been written about the demise of FTX, the cryptocurrency exchange run by Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF). Many of the post-mortems have focused on potential fraud, drawing comparisons to Enron’s collapse in the early 2000s. Less ink has been spent on...
Will Crypto Survive?
With a storyline full of celebrities, politicians, sex, and drugs, the future looks bright for producers of feature films and documentaries
Tangled Up in Blue
Last month, scientists at Trinity College Dublin published research that the human brain may be a kind of quantum computer, rather than a classical one. This is a big, big deal. Good science requires cautious and critical thinking. So it is no surprise that the...
America’s Silent Progressive Majority
The unanticipated outcome of the US 2022 midterm election shows that Americans can sense the challenges they face, and believe that they can
Will the West Give in to Russia?
Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine nine months ago, the West has not only delivered nearly $100 billion in aid to Ukraine, but also imposed
Deglobalization Is a Climate Threat
Globalization may have fallen out of favor in recent years, but preserving it is an environmental imperative. Effective, coordinated responses
The World Cup’s Education Goal
After the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan 15 months ago, its leaders broke their promise to allow girls to continue pursuing secondary
Turkey for Thanksgiving?
This coming Thursday, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a family gathering, thankfully without the obligation of gift-giving. It is a holiday to reflect on that for which we are grateful. Turkey is the mainstay of the traditional Thanksgiving dinner. A...
The Republicans Lose with Trump
For four decades after World War II, climate change and job-displacing artificial intelligence were not on anyone’s mind, and terms like
An Antidote to Climate Despair
For four decades after World War II, climate change and job-displacing artificial intelligence were not on anyone’s mind, and terms like
The Rise and Fall of the Socially Beneficial Corporation
For four decades after World War II, climate change and job-displacing artificial intelligence were not on anyone’s mind, and terms like
The Midterms’ Red Ripple Delivers Uncertainty to the Markets
In a surprise to many observers (ourselves included), the midterm elections proved to be more closely contested than most polls and political
The Age of Megathreats
For four decades after World War II, climate change and job-displacing artificial intelligence were not on anyone’s mind, and terms like
The Entrepreneurial State Must Lead on Climate Change
As a much-touted green alliance of financial institutions crumbles, the private sector has once again proven unequal to the task of climate
A Drunkard’s Search: Ageism and the Labor Shortage
The developed world is facing a historic labor shortage and the answer is to hire more older workers…yet, ageism is a pernicious hurdle.
The Muddled Politics of US Inflation
While today’s inflationary surge is nothing like the hyperinflationary episodes of the twentieth century, its long-term impact may reverberate
More Trick than Treat
Trick or treat? This cycle still looks more likely to deliver the mischievous than the sweet.
The Case for Structural Financial Deglobalization
The strengthening US dollar and rising borrowing costs have left developing and emerging-market countries between a rock and a hard place.
Who Broke American Democracy?
Democracy is premised on equality, and all citizens are supposed to have an equal chance to influence political decisions. But for too long
The Bond Vigilantes are Back
Governments are beholden to both the public via their representatives in parliamen and the financial markets. Sometimes those ‘constituents’