For decades, the Japanese government has amassed more and more debt without triggering higher borrowing costs or inflation. But there is no
Theme of the Week
GDP’s Days Are Numbered
Economists have long know that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a poor representation of society’s well-being. Promising alternatives are
Hacking the Tragedy of the Commons
Success in achieving net-zero emissions requires broad buy-in from the entire private sector, not just publicly listed companies. Fortunately,
Digital Finance Without Cryptocurrencies
Digital payments and financial transactions hold the promise of greater convenience, stronger competition, and increased savings to society.
The Case Against Green Central Banking
Addressing climate change is vital. But so too is sound central banking. Keeping those tasks separate is best.
Star Trek and Climate Change
We must address climate change with urgency, but also with political realism so we don’t otherwise lose the battle before we get effectively
The Climate Demands Better Capitalism
Sustainable growth is not an oxymoron, but it is an aim that requires both markets and social awareness.
Coping with Complexity
Today we are confronted by rapid change and fundamental, even existential, challenges to overly complex systems — only more flexible thinking
What Europe’s Energy Crunch Reveals
Addressing climate change requires resiliency and sacrifice. Both are in short supply, suggesting that required changes will be delayed, imposing
India: Steadfastly Non-Aligned
Under Nehru India was famously non-aligned. Under Modi it remains so. But India is now prepared to use shifting alliances to pursue its strategic
The Bitcoin Fountainhead
Bitcoin is a libertarian gimmick. Much needed restoration of faith in public finance and fiat money remains the best way to achieve financial
China’s Risky Business Crackdown
Chinese President Xi Jinping’s effort to control China’s private sector is agreeable in its stated intentions, but questionable in its
Norway’s Sovereign Duty
Having built its wealth by pumping hydrocarbons out of the seabed, Norway has an obligation to leverage the power of its massive sovereign
Post-Pandemic Productivity
More than anything, the world needs faster productivity growth. It might just be happening.
The US and China Are Not Destined for War
As more commentators warn of a coming military conflict between the United States and China, it is easy to believe that war is inevitable.
Guns and Taxes
In America, guns and taxes are unavoidable. If we are to address the true cost of guns, it is time to tax them.
When Politics and Economics Clash
China’s leadership is asserting itself. When politics and economics clash, politics often wins—to the detriment of economics and investing.
Time to Relax Global Travel Restrictions
Given the unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on labor markets, there is a spirited debate over whether the US economy
The Biodiversity Challenge
Population growth and economic expansion are on a trajectory to overwhelm nature, leading to biodiversity collapse.
Celebrating Aspiration
The US founding fathers were flawed. Yet in words, deeds and law they created platforms for human aspiration. That legacy is invaluable.
Market Power Is Eating the Economy
While economic observers have long worried about the growing dominance of Big Tech, few have apprehended the sheer scale of the problem. Today’s
Biden’s Antitrust Revolutionaries
A growing debate over the scope and purpose of US antitrust law has pitted traditional technocrats against an ascendant movement that is demanding
The Big Float
When the US effectively floated the US dollar in 1971, many foresaw the end, or at least the beginning of the end, of the Bretton Woods system
America vs China is Not a Zero Sum Game
If an alien intelligence were monitoring news on Earth, they would probably assume China was eating America’s lunch. They would be mistaken.