The recent weakening of the US dollar can be explained by near-term market forces rather than any epochal shift.
Theme of the Week
Taxes and the Markets
Rather than obsess over tax rates, investors should consider more broadly how economic, policy and political factors will shape the market
The New Eastern Mediterranean Crisis
While much of the world remains distracted by the COVID-19 pandemic, Turkey is trying to reshape its geopolitical neighborhood, and Lebanon
Winning the Fight Against Cholera
In recent years, the world has made considerable progress in the fight against cholera. But, with climate change, urbanization, and population
Chadwick Boseman Tribute
A Marvel Tribute to Chadwick Boseman
Joe Biden, Redemption and The American Dream
There were no special effects, no crowds, no band, no balloons. But, none of this was needed. As Joe Biden looked at a blank camera, with
To the Brink with China
The chances of a Sino-American cold war are far higher today than they were just months ago. Even worse, the chances of an actual war, resulting
Hope for a New “UN Moment”
When the United Nations celebrates its 75th anniversary this September, the US will still be misgoverned by a transactional president who
John Lewis’ Final Words
In a special Last Word, Morgan Freeman reads the words of John Lewis’ final essay, which he requested be published in the New York Times
Will COVID-19 Kill Cash?
Reports that the coronavirus could be transmitted by handling cash has given people another reason to steer clear of banknotes. Although untrue,
The US-China Trade War
Who dominates global trade? It is well recognized that China has become the world’s largest trading nation.
The pandemic should be bringing nations together in the face of our common threat. Instead we see nationalism and borders closing. So here
Priorities for the COVID-19 Economy
With hopes of a sharp rebound from the pandemic-induced recession quickly fading, policymakers should pause and take stock of what it will
Why Disaster Preparedness Cannot Wait
As countries emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic over the coming year, world leaders will face a defining moment. By ramping up investments
Reviving the WTO
The World Trade Organization has an irreplaceable role to play in transforming countries’ economic prospects and the lives of people around
United States of Despair
America finds itself in the grips of two epidemics, each of which has exposed deep inequalities across races and levels of educational attainment.
Redefining National Security for the Post-Pandemic World
Three decades of efforts to broaden the definition of “national security” have largely failed, and it is time to try a new approach. Thinking
Globalizing the Fight Against the Pandemic
As a global problem that will remain a threat everywhere as long as it is still present anywhere, the novel coronavirus demands a collective
What American Moral Leadership Should Look Like
At a time when guidance and inspiration from the White House is missing, it is helpful to remind ourselves of what real American moral leadership
Update On A COVID-19 Vaccine
Humankind has never had a more urgent task than creating broad immunity for coronavirus. Realistically, if we’re going to return to normal,
The Covid-19 Mental Health Crisis
Mental health is a huge problem in the United States. About one-fifth of all Americans grapple with psychological disorders, and only half
Are you feeling cooped up, stir-crazy? No wonder – even after 400 generations in villages and cities, we are still nomadic wanderers
No, Elon Musk, Stay-at-Home Orders Aren’t ‘Fascist’
Stay-at-home orders are “fascist” and “not democratic.” At least, that’s according to Tesla CEO Elon Musk.
After Covid-19 – Debt Forgiveness?
Anyone speculating on what the world will look like when we emerge from Covid- 19 lockdown, would do well to heed the famous quip about prediction