Europe’s experience suggests that decarbonizing the power sector first, while sheltering industry from higher costs, can generate some modest
Can Biden be the Climate Maestro?
Europe, China and now the US – thanks to President Biden – are beginning to coordinate their actions to tackle climate change.
The Silent Defunding of Democracy
A healthy democracy requires a commitment to educating our youth in wide-ranging ways, yet there is now a purge going on of academic departments
Making Small Cool: A Case For Progressive Green Taxes
If we are truly going to ‘build back better,’ a smart start would be to introduce progressive green taxes.
Boomer or Bust?
How should baby boomers invest in a time of bitcoin, NFT’s, meme stocks, SPAC’s and endless other ‘new’ innovations?
The Week Ahead Matters
Over the next five days investors face a veritable tsunami of corporate earnings and economic data releases. The week’s data deluge will
China’s Digital Currency and Monetary Warfare
China’s creation of its new digital currency may be the first shot in a new form of monetary warfare. The CCCP is taking steps to undermine
President Biden, Support a People’s Vaccine
Over the past year, the world witnessed unprecedentedly rapid development of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines, largely owing to US public
Climb the Mountain
Carbon pricing is an idea whose time has come. It is commendable that Joe Biden has begun to climb the climate mountain, but a shame he is
Earnings, Rotation and Regions
The stage is set for rising global output and corporate earnings for the remainder of 2021. Rotation has arrived in sector terms, and is now
The Circular Economy
Ever wonder how humanity can create a circular economy in which production, distribution, consumption, and reuse of products and materials
The Challenge of Big Tech Finance
In an old parable about banks and regulators, the banks are greyhounds – they run very fast – while the regulators are bloodhounds, slow
How to Get to Mars
If you are curious how NASA gets those amazing rovers to the red planet, watch this extraordinary short film.
It’s Data Time
This week kicks off the first quarter 2021 earnings season in earnest. The bar is high, and the data will soon need to validate embedded expectations,
Ensuring a Stronger and Fairer Global Recovery
Although tough trade-offs are sometimes unavoidable, there is a way for policymakers to maintain a robust global economic recovery in 2021
Climate Safety Nets for All
The droughts, floods, and severe weather that come with climate change will leave the world’s poorest and most vulnerable even worse
An Inspiring Reminder of What Awaits
Our species was designed to be wanderers, but the pandemic has made us sedentary. As vaccinations accelerate and people slowly start to travel
Taking Stock of America
Today, as the Biden Administration unleashes the full power of the Federal Government to heal the economy, it is an opportune time to take
All Eyes on Digital Payments
Digital payment is a promising technology that can facilitate more flexible transactions with added security. But existing platforms embed
China’s Go-It-Alone Five-Year Plan
Autarky and authoritarianism rarely accompany economic dynamism. China’s latest fie year plan, which emphasizes both, could be a road to
Siren Songs
The Ever Green fiasco is the perfect metaphor for what can go wrong in today’s economy. Efficienct supply chains lack adequate redundancy.
The Shape of Global Recovery
The accelerating rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in many advanced economies has set the stage for rapid recovery in the second half of this year
Resolving the Iran Conundrum
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken believes that Iran is only months away from being able to produce enough fissile material to build a
Market Forecasts vs. Fed Rhetoric
The Fed and the markets are playing risky games. Can each hold its nerve?