A rare discussion with one of Europe’s leading economists and global thinkers.
Theme of the Week
Will Corporate Greed Prolong the Pandemic?
The shortfall in global COVID-19 vaccine production could be closed if manufacturers around the world were granted access to the necessary
Can Biden be the Climate Maestro?
Europe, China and now the US – thanks to President Biden – are beginning to coordinate their actions to tackle climate change.
Boomer or Bust?
How should baby boomers invest in a time of bitcoin, NFT’s, meme stocks, SPAC’s and endless other ‘new’ innovations?
Climb the Mountain
Carbon pricing is an idea whose time has come. It is commendable that Joe Biden has begun to climb the climate mountain, but a shame he is
How to Get to Mars
If you are curious how NASA gets those amazing rovers to the red planet, watch this extraordinary short film.
An Inspiring Reminder of What Awaits
Our species was designed to be wanderers, but the pandemic has made us sedentary. As vaccinations accelerate and people slowly start to travel
The Shape of Global Recovery
The accelerating rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in many advanced economies has set the stage for rapid recovery in the second half of this year
A Plan for Addressing the Hate Pandemic in Schools
The Covid-19 may soon be under control. However, there is a second pandemic that has been insidiously spreading throughout our schools and
The ESG Trap
This rapid embrace of sustainability and social purpose is understandable, and mostly welcome. However, there are dangers in the uncritical
GameStop’s Lesson: Stop Mechanising the Investment Game
The GameStop saga is another symptom of serious maladies affecting our economic mind-body.
Schrödinger’s Bitcoin
Notwithstanding the recent spectacular surge in its price, Bitcoin will remain an asset without intrinsic value whose market value can be
A Presidential Prescription for De-Polarization
To unify the country, President Biden must offer a common message of shared struggle and sacrifice. Migration, by choice or coercion, is that
A Question of Valuation?
It has been said that stocks are not cheap and popular at the same time. Is it time to re-visit Robert Shiller’s well-known valuation metrics?
Prejudice and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Fighting prejudice must be a core policy aim for President Biden if he is to begin to heal America. But, doing so means confronting the dramatic
Now is the Time to Cry
It is time for each of us to shake off any moral fatigue that we feel and fight for democracy through civic engagement and discourse.
The Sino-American Race to Zero
If China and the US – the world’s two largest emitters of carbon dioxide emitters – reach net-zero emissions by mid-century, everyone
What Is Driving Asia’s Technological Rise?
Asia’s rapid emergence as a global technological leader over the last decade is a testament to the power of collaboration. And yet, in much
The Health of Nations
It is time to recognize that our material and physical well-being are inseparable and that we need to aspire to a health and wealth of all
How and Why Social Media Should be Regulated
Regulating social media requires nuance and cannot be done in piecemeal fashion, or the unintended consequences will be worse than the problem.
Remembering Jim Wolfensohn
Numerous newspapers have published obituaries of Jim Wolfensohn, largely focusing on his time as President of the World Bank. He was my mentor,
Higher Education in Post-Covid America
Higher education, long in denial about the need to fundamentally change, must now embrace its moment to cross the Rubicon.
The Spirit of ESG
For ESG investing to succeed, it needs recognition of its normative underpinnings and approaches that incorporate human, not algorithmic,
How to Deter Corporate Crime Like We Mean It
Over the past few decades, the US justice system has gone from effectively punishing white-collar crimes to slapping corporations on the wrist