Who dominates global trade? It is well recognized that China has become the world’s largest trading nation.
The Fastest Way Out of the Pandemic
During the 2009 swine flu pandemic, a few countries cornered the vaccine market, leaving the vast majority of the global population with no
Saving Generation COVID
During the COVID-19 crisis, lockdowns and other social-distancing rules have forced schools worldwide to shut their doors, locking out a peak
Priorities for the COVID-19 Economy
With hopes of a sharp rebound from the pandemic-induced recession quickly fading, policymakers should pause and take stock of what it will
Winter Is Coming
The U.S. government needs to prepare for a deliberate and coordinated multi-faceted attempt by foreign actors to disrupt and weaken our nation
Why Disaster Preparedness Cannot Wait
As countries emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic over the coming year, world leaders will face a defining moment. By ramping up investments
Big Government or Better Government?
The COVID 19 crisis has put government back at the center of things in a way not seen since World War II.
Reviving the WTO
The World Trade Organization has an irreplaceable role to play in transforming countries’ economic prospects and the lives of people around
The Pandemic Must End Our Complacency
With an economic downturn as severe as the Great Depression and political conditions similar to those in the run-up to World War I, an international
Protests, Violence and America’s Democracy
As in so many other cases, it often takes just one spark to light an eruption of outrage, itself an accumulation of rising levels of economic
Be Careful What You Wish for, Caesar
The pandemic and its economic shockwaves are fundamentally re-ordering world affairs. Look no further than Europe.
United States of Despair
America finds itself in the grips of two epidemics, each of which has exposed deep inequalities across races and levels of educational attainment.
How Markets and Governments Must Work Together
Economists have long known that the liberal ideal is an abstraction, a useful tool for theoretical reasoning, but hardly a template for reality.
Redefining National Security for the Post-Pandemic World
Three decades of efforts to broaden the definition of “national security” have largely failed, and it is time to try a new approach. Thinking
American Exceptionalism in the Age of Trump
As the world’s two largest economies, the United States and China are condemned to a relationship that must combine competition and cooperation.
The Dream Called the United States
The United States was to be a shining city on hill. A nation, rooted in exceptionalism, destined to transform the world for the positive.
Pandemic, Payrolls, Protests and Politics
Wall Street’s favorite adage, ‘climb a wall of worry’, may soon be put to test. Following the powerful equity market rally of the past
Globalizing the Fight Against the Pandemic
As a global problem that will remain a threat everywhere as long as it is still present anywhere, the novel coronavirus demands a collective
The Future of Global Power
Although the Sino-American rivalry was escalating long before the COVID-19 crisis erupted, it has since been thrown into overdrive. But while
What American Moral Leadership Should Look Like
At a time when guidance and inspiration from the White House is missing, it is helpful to remind ourselves of what real American moral leadership
Update On A COVID-19 Vaccine
Humankind has never had a more urgent task than creating broad immunity for coronavirus. Realistically, if we’re going to return to normal,
How Should Leaders Decide?
Today, around the world, national, regional and local political leaders, along with their corporate and business peers, are facing in COVID-19
Are you feeling cooped up, stir-crazy? No wonder – even after 400 generations in villages and cities, we are still nomadic wanderers
It Is Time For A Draft
In our national history, when we have faced terrible times of economic hardship, civil discord, and political division, more often than not