As hospitals surge to capacity under the pandemic’s strain, here is one young doctor’s story of what it’s like.
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Are Free Markets Still Free?
Competition is critical to an economy’s vitality. Without it, free markets cease to be free. Is this now happening?
The Financial Sector’s Gain Must Not Be Biodiversity’s Loss
When it comes to biodiversity and natural capital more broadly, most investors still behave as if these assets were unlimited and the services
Eight Reasons to Worry About Inflation
It is time for investors to consider the possibility of rising inflation, which is now more probable than at any time in the past two decades.
Why We Need an Unwavering Commitment to QE
It is premature and unwise to scale back policy support in the United States. What is at risk is not only financial market stability, but
Remembering Jim Wolfensohn
Numerous newspapers have published obituaries of Jim Wolfensohn, largely focusing on his time as President of the World Bank. He was my mentor,
Renewable Energy Now
Renewables have come a long way. Yet the best is still to come. Markets recognize the potential, as well as the destruction that creativity
Pandemic, Insolvency and Inflation?
A pandemic, a solvency crisis and inflation may seem a strange combination. But 2020 has been a strange year in more ways than one – 2021
Market Outlook 2021 – The Great Rotation
One year ago, if we were told the following twelve months would witness the worst global pandemic since 1918, precipitating the greatest global
Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021
At the end of this most calamitous year, it is possible to envision a brighter 2021. Here are the forces and events likely to shape the days
Racism, Business and My Journey
Racism is a cancer within our species and our society, one that too often we choose not to tackle. From my own journey, I know that the first
The Biden Agenda for US-China Relations
Mutual interest, and survival, rests upon two strategic adversaries understanding one another and acknowledging that their differences are
Higher Education in Post-Covid America
Higher education, long in denial about the need to fundamentally change, must now embrace its moment to cross the Rubicon.
The US Economy Needs a Booster Shot
Heading into the holiday season, the United States is confronting a spike in COVID-19 infections and renewed restrictions on commerce. Unless
Making Sense of Sky-High Stock Prices
Many have been puzzled that the world’s stock markets haven’t collapsed in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic downturn
A Tale of Two Economies
As financial markets celebrate the coming vaccine-led boom, the confluence of epidemiological and political aftershocks has pushed us back
The Siren Song of Austerity
Among the many lessons of the 2008 financial crisis and its aftermath in the United States is that there is no good reason to start worrying
America Must Mend Many Fences on Trade
The past four years of US protectionism and unilateralism will serve as a lasting reminder of how not to conduct trade policy in the twenty-first
Unconventional Wisdom
Promoting recovery with all tools – monetary, fiscal and public health – should be the sole macroeconomic priority of the Biden Administration,
The Spirit of ESG
For ESG investing to succeed, it needs recognition of its normative underpinnings and approaches that incorporate human, not algorithmic,
A No-Brainer for the G20
The sooner we get the COVID-19 pandemic under control, the sooner we can put the global economy back on track. At a virtual gathering this
How to Deter Corporate Crime Like We Mean It
Over the past few decades, the US justice system has gone from effectively punishing white-collar crimes to slapping corporations on the wrist
Why Biden Can Overcome Political Gridlock
According to conventional wisdom, US President-elect Biden will find himself immediately paralyzed because Republicans will follow the same
European Strategic Complacency Is Not an Option
It is now more clear than ever that Europe must take its security, broadly understood, into its own hands. Doing so will not only secure the